Program Educational Objectives

The Department of Mechanical Engineering aims to produce graduates that, in 3-5 years after graduation:

Seek out leadership roles in their respective field of professional practice;
Engage in the creation of opportunities and services that foster inclusive and sustainable socio-economic growth;
Actively pursue excellence in research, development, and innovation in mechanical engineering and allied fields and;
Sustain their motivation for lifelong cultivation of personal and professional skills.

Student Outcomes

The Department of Mechanical Engineering aims to produce students that, upon graduation:

Utilize working knowledge of the technical fundamentals of mechanical engineering to identify and solve problems systematically and in systemic terms;
Communicate effectively through various media;
Work in teams effectively;
Improve personal and professional skills;
Conceive, design, implement, operate, and maintain mechanical engineering systems;
Generate mechanical engineering solutions that comply with Philippine and global professional standards and ethics and;
Produce relevant and progressive research to expand the current knowledge and understanding in mechanical engineering.