Mechanical Engineering is the study of objects and systems in motion. It is concerned primarily with the industrial application of mechanics and the production of tools, machineries, and their products. It is considered the broadest field in engineering, is mainly concerned with forces, materials, fluids, energy, and motion, along with all devices that utilize these elements to solve a problem. Mechanical Engineers are involved with the following aspects of mechanical systems: Design, Analysis, Testing, Manufacturing, Control, Operation, and Maintenance.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the nine departments under the College of Engineering of the University of the Philippines Diliman. It provides programs for undergraduate and graduate students. The department currently is composed of 5 Professors, 3 Associate Professors, 12 Assistant Professors, 4 Instructors, and 8 Support Staff.
It is home to 300+ undergraduate students, over 20 graduate students, and 2 academic organizations.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BS ME)
The current undergraduate program includes foundational courses in thermal sciences, metrology, kinematics and mechanisms, machine design, manufacturing, and control, as well as specialized courses in internal combustion engines, turbomachinery, power, and heating ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR).
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MS ME)
Further studies in thermal sciences, metrology, kinematics and mechanisms, machine design, manufacturing, and control, internal combustion engines, turbomachinery, power, and heating ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR).
The Department has five major research areas: Computational Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, Dynamics and Vibration, Energy and Thermal Systems, and Fluid Mechanics.
Extension Services
Currently, there are six laboratories in the department:
Vehicle Research and Testing Laboratory (VRTL), Machine Design Laboratory, Biomechanics Laboratory, HVACR Laboratory, Power laboratory, and Instrumentation, Robotics Control Laboratory, along with more instructional laboratories and a Design Center
For inquiries regarding facility/lab usage and testing, callĀ +63-2 981-8500 local 3130